August 28, 2008

Ray is hooking up the swamp cooler to help cool the interior of the dome.

To go into the inflated airform, one must first push open that little square door then push open the big door. After closing the door behind you,

you do the same thing again to step into the dome itself.

To leave the inflated airform, the little door has a handle that you pull toward you before opening the big door. Just make sure both big doors are not open at the same time.

The assembly of the scaffolding has begun.

Some of the straight pieces are handed in through a hole on the front side of the house. The opening is where there will be a cutout for one of the insets. Those 2 black pipes are part of the sewer system.

Another section of scaffolding was added.

Modern artwork or scaffolding against the sunlit airform?

Using a laser to mark where the back porch cutout will be and marking it with a sharpie.

The black lines can just barely be seen on the red laser light.

The laser light clearly shows on Marcos' shirt when he stepped in front of it.

The airform that connects the house to the airlock.

Close-up of the marks to show where the cutouts will be.

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